Designed to industry-leading standards, our checklist helps you keep your place, find procedures with ease, and most importantly, no squinting. We use the compact space of a 6″ x 9″ card to precisely fit all the information you will need on your flights; from V-Speeds to glide distances.
Made to last for years
Our checklists have been tested against the elements: coffee spills, dropped in a puddle, we even ran a lawn mower over it (seriously, we’re not kidding). The biggest challenge you’ll have in keeping your checklist is ensuring your pilot buddies don’t steal it.
One checklist does it all
No more carrying around one checklist for normal procedures and another checklist for emergency procedures. Who has the time to find the emergency checklist in an actual emergency?With our checklist all you need is one, and if the worst happens, just flip it over.
Our checklists use the FAA-approved Pilot’s Operation Handbook for each specific plane make and model as its foundation to ensure you have a product that you can trust.
Build from the ground
Once the foundation has been set, we seek out the make and model and verify the flow makes sense. What good is a checklist that doesn’t include setting the transponder?
Test, test, and more tests
All of our checklists go through multiple rounds of testing to verify how well it works in the cockpit. Once verified, the checklist is printed and then goes through quality-control for sturdiness and durability.